SPSS exercise 4.6

The SummoScanner is a continuous survey of print media penetration. This exercise deals with a target group study conducted in 1998, for which a random sample of the Dutch population was taken of those aged 13 or older. In relation to a large number of newspapers and magazines, the respondents to the Summo surveys were asked to state 1) whether they ever read or browse through them, 2) whether they have read or browsed through the latest edition, and 3) how many of the past six editions they have read or browsed through. Based on the answers to the last two questions, a 'reading likelihood' is calculated (all variables with names beginning with 'lk' [lk = Reading Chance]). These variables are measured at interval level but often have a very skewed distribution; most respondents have a reading likelihood of zero. We are therefore going to continually dichotomise the reading likelihood: people who have a reading likelihood (greater than 0) and those who do not (0).

Database: Summo.Leeskans2.sav

a. Test the hypothesis that women who are likely to read Beau Monde are also likely to read Elegance. Based on the results, are you of the view that it is sufficient to place an advertisement in Beau Monde in order to reach current and potential readers of Elegance?

b. Are Elegance and Beau Monde aimed at wealthier women? Use dichotomous reading likelihoods and the variable 'INKOM' (income) to distinguish between less wealthy (average or below average) and wealthier (above average) women.