SPSS exercise 2.6

The WatchAndListenSurvey.sav database contains a number of variables that measure use of the media, including those variables that measure how many seconds people have watched a particular channel. This was measured by placing a 'viewing meter' on the televisions of the respondents - which recorded exactly how long each channel was watched. The variables 'totchannel1', 'totchannel2' and 'totchannel3' refer to the three channels that together form the public broadcast channels in the Netherlands.

a. From the variables 'totchannel1', 'totchannel2' and 'totchannel3', make a new variable, 'totchannelps' (total number of seconds spent watching the public service channels). Drag and drop the syntax into the answer field.

b. In general, we do not say how long we watched a particular channel in terms of seconds. From the new variable, 'totchannelps', make a new variable: 'totminps' (total number of minutes spent watching public broadcast channels). Drag and drop the syntax into the answer field.

c. Calculate the most suitable measure of central tendency with the help of frequencies, BUT without printing out the whole frequency table. Drag and drop the syntax into the answer field.

d. What conclusion can you draw? When giving your answer, you must include the following: the 'content' of the variable, the units of analysis, the correct number for the measure of central tendency (round off to two decimals), and the interpretation of the measure of central tendency.

e. What is the standard deviation of the new variable, 'totminps'? Round it off to two decimal places.

f. What is the meaning of the standard deviation?


1 Creating a new variable based on multiple existing variables
2 Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion selection chart
3 What do we mean by the standard deviation, the variance, and the interquartile range?