SPSS exercise 1.13

Open the McoData3.sav database. In addition to 'age' (V3), this database includes the variable 'year of birth' (V61). Please note: This survey was conducted in 2007. Bear this in mind when answering the following questions.

a. Use the 'year of birth' variable (V61) to calculate a new variable for age in years. Name the new variable 'v61re'. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

b. Then create a variable for the difference between V3 (age) and the new variable. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

c. Generate a frequency distribution for the difference variable (see b). Describe what findings you would expect and draw a conclusion on the basis of the frequency table. How could you explain the actual findings?


1 What is a syntax?
2 Creating a new variable based on multiple existing variables