SPSS exercise 3.3

Using an experiment, a communication scientist wishes to find out whether seeing advertisements for snacks has an effect on children eating sweets while watching TV. 40 children aged 6 to 12 took part in the experiment. The experiment took place in a room set up as a living room, where each child spent half an hour watching cartoons on television, with a bowl of sweets on a table. In the case of half of the children, the cartoon was interrupted part-way through with advertisements for snacks. The children were allocated sessions with and without advertisements at random. The number of sweets eaten by each child during the half hour was counted by the researcher.

Database: SnackCommercial.sav

a. Test the hypothesis that the advertisements lead to children eating more sweets. Formulate the statistical hypotheses for this test and draw a conclusion.

b. Do boys eat more sweets than girls when watching cartoons?