SPSS exercise 2.9

For this exercise, open the MediaUse.sav database again.

a. Calculate once again the mean number of minutes spent watching television on working days (v5min), but now for men and women separately. Do this using Means. Put the syntax into the answer field.

b. What conclusion can you draw? In your answer, state also the mean number of minutes for men and women and the standard deviation (round off to two decimal places).

c. Check also whether there are any differences in the number of minutes spent watching television on working days among groups who read a newspaper. In order to be able to do this, you need to use the variable you have already made, in addition to the variable v7. What conclusion can you draw? State in your answer what newspaper is read by the respondents who watch the most television on average, and what newspaper is read by the respondents who watch the least television on average. Do not forget to state the standard deviation for these newspapers!


1 How do I compare means between separate groups?