SPSS exercise 1.5

The MediaUse.sav database considers, among other things, the number of hours and minutes spent watching television on weekdays and weekend days. In other words, the time a person spends watching television is measured by two variables: v5hour (number of hours watching television on weekdays) and v5min (number of minutes watching television on weekdays). The same applies to v6hour and v6min: the amount of time spent watching television on a weekend day.

a. Suppose you want to find out how much time someone spends watching television on a weekend day. Could you simply add up the variables v6hour and v6min?

b. Therefore, we cannot simply add up the variables. Nevertheless, we want to introduce one new variable that measures the time someone spends watching television on a weekend day. We do that either by converting minutes into hours, or hours into minutes, and then adding them up. Introduce a new variable that adds up the number of hours and number of minutes someone spends watching television on a weekend day. The new variable should measure the number of minutes that someone spends watching television on a weekend day. Give the new variable the variable name 'v6tot' and the variable label 'total number of minutes spent watching television on a weekend day'. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

c. Generate a frequency table of the new variable 'v6tot'. What is the minimum number of minutes spent watching television on a weekend day?

d. What is the maximum number of minutes spent watching television at weekends?


1 Creating a new variable based on an existing one
2 Creating a new variable based on multiple existing variables
3 How do I generate a frequency table?