SPSS exercise 2.2

As in exercise 2.1, we use the MediaUse.sav database for this exercise.

a. Recode v3 (age) into six age groups: 18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65+. Name this new variable 'v3re'. Give the values value labels. Copy and paste the syntax from your recoding into the answer field.

b. Make the frequency distribution and copy and paste the syntax to the answer field.

c. What is the level of measurement of this new variable?

d. What is the relevant measure of central tendency?

e. Let SPSS calculate the relevant measure of central tendency and copy and paste the syntax into the answer field.

f. What is the value of the measure of central tendency?

g. Calculate once more the above measure of central tendency without printing out the entire frequency table. Copy and paste the syntax into the answer field.


1 How do I recode?
2 Determining the level of measurement of a variable
3 Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion selection chart