SPSS exercise 1.7

For this exercise, use the MediaUse.sav database. Some variables have a lot of different values. To put them in some sort of order, we can re-categorise the values in groups.

a. In exercise 1.5, you created the new variable 'v6tot' ('total number of minutes spent watching television on a weekend day'). If you generate a frequency table of this, you get a big table. Use this variable to make a new variable, making a distinction between people who 'watch little' (0 to 120 minutes), 'watch average' (121 to 180 minutes), and 'watch a lot' (181 minutes or longer). Name this new variable 'v6totre'. Compare your syntax to the correct answer. Don't forget to run the syntax first.

b. Use Define Variable Properties to give this new variable the variable label 'watching TV in categories' and value labels (see exercise a.). Compare your syntax to the correct answer. Don't forget to run the syntax first.

c. Generate a frequency table of the new variable 'v6other'. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

d. What percentage of the respondents fall into the 'watch a lot' group?


1 How do I recode?
2 What are value labels?
3 How do you create values and value labels?
4 What is a syntax?
5 How do I generate a frequency table?
6 How do I read a frequency table?