SPSS exercise 1.6

Open Mcodata3.sav. For this exercise, you must use a survey conducted by first-year communication science students. The database considers, among other things, people's preferred political party and what they think about politics (and politicians). The political parties in the database are Dutch, hence you might not recognize them. PvdA, for example, is the Labour Party and is a social-democratic political party in the Netherlands. For this exercise it is not important that you know more about the political parties, other than their names.

a. Generate a frequency distribution of the variable 'party'. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

b. What percentage of the 521 respondents vote PvdA?

c. Suppose that you are interested in voting intentions, and therefore only wish to find out which party people are going to vote for. The calculations in the frequency table concern all the respondents, including those who did not state a preference. What do you need to do to make it meaningful?

d. Make the 'don't know' and 'will not vote' answer categories missing values. Generate the frequency table again for 'party'. What percentage of people who are certain of their voting intentions will vote PvdA?


1 How do I generate a frequency table?
2 What is a syntax?
3 Univariate table selection chart
4 What are missing values?