SPSS exercise 1.8

Suppose you are researching dieting behaviour. You have a theoretical basis for believing that women go on diets more often than men. However, in your study, you investigated not only dieting behaviour but also other aspects of personal care. You surveyed both men and women. In terms of the number of times a respondent has been on a diet, you are only interested in the answers given by women. In this case, you can 'exclude' the men in SPSS. For this exercise, use Summo7.sav.

a. Generate a frequency table of the variable g2a (Personal care - dieted in the past 12 months). Do not exclude the men yet! Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

b. What percentage of the respondents has dieted in the past 12 months? Do not exclude the men yet!

c. Now use Select Cases to select only the women, and compare your syntax to the correct answer.

d. Generate the frequency table again. What percentage of the women has dieted in the past 12 months?

e. Do not select every woman, only the younger ones (up to the age of 34 years). Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

f. What percentage of the younger women has dieted in the past 12 months?

g. Select all the younger women who use make-up every day (variable 'g15bp9'). To select age, use the 'greater than' or 'less than' signs. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

h. What percentage of the younger women who use make-up every day has been on a diet in the past 12 months?


1 How do I select units of analysis?