SPSS exercise 2.7

In the variable 'ChurchGoing' (dem84), in the WatchAndListenSurvey.sav database, measurements are taken of how often people go to church. When you calculate a measure of central tendency for this variable, it gives information about all the respondents, including those who answered 'no answer' or 'not applicable'. Before doing the exercises below, you first have to list these options as 'missing values' in SPSS.

a. What percentage of the respondents goes to church once a month or less?

b. What is the level of measurement of this variable?

c. What conclusion can you draw? When giving your answer, you must include the following: the 'content' of the variable, the units of analysis, the correct number for the measure of central tendency (round off to two decimals), and the interpretation of the measure of central tendency.


1 Determining the level of measurement of a variable
2 Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion selection chart