SPSS exercise 3.2

The SummoScanner is the continuous survey of print media penetration. This exercise is about the target group research in 1998, for which a random sample of the Dutch population of those aged 13 years and older was taken. The respondents in the Summo surveys are asked to state, in relation to a large number of newspapers and magazines, whether they 1) ever read or browse through them, 2) whether they have read or browsed through the most recent edition, and 3) how many of the past six editions they have read or browsed through. Based on the answers to the last two questions, a so-called reading likelihood is calculated (the names of these variables all start with rc_). The variables are measured at interval level.

Database: Summo.Readingchance.sav

a. Test the hypothesis that there is a greater likelihood of men reading a national newspaper (rc_natnews) than women.

b. Test the hypothesis that the Dutch are as likely to read a national newspaper as they are a regional one (rc_regnews).

c. Select several background characteristics of the respondents that you would expect to affect the likelihood of their reading a regional newspaper. Use a t-test to see if your expectation is borne out. Note: if necessary, always put the background characteristics into two categories, providing your arguments for doing so.