SPSS exercise 1.12

When you print out a frequency table of the 'age' variable (from the Mcodata3.sav database), you get a very long and not particularly clear table. In this exercise, we are going to reorganise this data.

a. What is the level of measurement of the 'age' (v3) variable?

b. Use the 'age' (v3) variable to create a new variable, which groups the respondents by age. Name this new variable 'v3re'. Use the following age groups: 18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65 +.Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

c. Generate a frequency table of the new 'v3re' variable, and copy and paste the syntax into the answer field.

d. What is the level of measurement of the new 'age group' variable?


1 How do I recode?
2 What are value labels?
3 How do you create values and value labels?
4 What is a syntax?
5 How do I generate a frequency table?
6 How do I read a frequency table?
7 Determining the level of measurement of a variable