SPSS exercise 1.14

One way of displaying your data (e.g. in a research report) is to use graphs. For this exercise, open the WatchAndListenSurvey.sav database. What type of graph is the most suitable for displaying the following information, and why?

a. Number of men and women (dem49).

b. Relative distribution (percentages) of number of days watching television per week (dem54).

c. Distribution of number of days listening to the radio per week (dem52). (Please note: Values 8 and 9 must be shown as missing).

d. Distribution of the variable 'talking about art' (dem73). (Please note: Values 8 and 9 must be shown as missing).

e. Distribution of the 'age' (dem50) variable.

f. Percentage of cinema visits (dem156) (Please note: Values 8 and 9 must be shown as missing).

g. Favourite channel (dem106).


1 Graph selection charts