SPSS exercise 2.1

For this exercise, open the MediaUse.sav database, which asks for demographic characteristics.

a. Recode v2 (education) to three levels of education: low ('lower general secondary education' and 'lower education'), medium ('secondary vocational education' to 'pre-university') and high ('bachelor' and 'master'). Give the values value labels. Recode the variable and copy and paste the syntax into the answer field.

b. What are the units of analysis in the research project?

c. What is the level of measurement of this new recoded variable?

d. What is/are the relevant measure(s) of central tendency?

e. Let SPSS calculate the relevant measure of central tendency and copy and paste the syntax into the answer field.


1 How do I recode?
2 Determining the level of measurement of a variable
3 Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion selection chart