SPSS exercise 4.4

Every year, Santon Bridge in England is the scene of the 'World's Biggest Liar Competition'. You want to investigate whether creative people do better in the competition than those who are less creative. In other words, you want to test the following hypothesis: 'The more creative someone is, the better they are at making up stories'. You ask 68 candidates who took part in the competition in the past decade to complete a questionnaire measuring their creativity (index score with a maximum of 60), and ask them where they finished in the competition (maximum fifth). (Example after Field, 2009). Database: Liar.sav.

a. What is the level of measurement of the 'creativity' variable?

b. What is the level of measurement of the 'position' variable?

c. Check the data for errors. In one of the variables, there is a value that must be made missing. Set it as missing using Define Variable Properties. Compare your syntax to the syntax below.

d. What is the most suitable measure of association for answering the hypothesis and why?

e. Calculate the most suitable measure of association and paste the syntax into the answer field.

f. Draw a conclusion according to the guidelines. Name the variables 'creativity' and 'position'.

g. Is the hypothesis correct?