SPSS exercise 1.11

For this exercise, you must use a survey carried out by first-year communication science students. This database (MediaUse.sav) considers, among other things, number of hours worked per week.

a. What is the level of measurement of the 'hours worked per week' (v4hour) variable?

b. Use the 'hours worked per week' (v4hour) variable to make a new variable: 'full-time/part-time'. Name this new variable 'v4hourre'. Use the following groups for this: part-time (from 7 to 30 hours per week) and full-time (30 hours per week or more). Use value 0 for 'part-time' and value 1 for 'full-time'. Compare your syntax to the correct answer.

c. What is the level of measurement of the 'full-time/part-time' (v4hourre) variable? Determine the correct level of measurement by answering the questions below.

d. What percentage of the people about whom we have information work full-time?


1 How do I recode?
2 What are value labels?
3 How do you create values and value labels?
4 What is a syntax?
5 How do I generate a frequency table?
6 How do I read a frequency table?
7 Determining the level of measurement of a variable