SPSS exercise 1.10

When describing statistics, it is important to know what level of measurement the variables were measured on. This determines, among other things, which analyses are possible and which are not. Give the correct level of measurement for the variables below.

a. Number of Facebook friends.
b. Number of minutes spent watching a specific television programme.
c. Education (low / medium / high).
d. Religion (which one).
e. Telephone number.
f. Income (in identical categories).
g. Year of birth.
h. How often do you go shopping every month? (less than 1 time - 2 to 3 times - 4 times or more).

a. What is the level of measurement of the variable 'number of Facebook friends'?

b. What is the level of measurement of the variable 'number of minutes spent watching a specific television programme'?

c. What is the level of measurement of the 'education (low/medium/high)' variable?

d. What is the level of measurement of the 'religion (which one)' variable?

e. What is the level of measurement of the 'telephone number' variable?

f. What is the level of measurement for the 'income' variable?

g. What is the level of measurement for the 'year of birth' variable?

h. What is the level of measurement of the 'number of times shopping per month (less than once - 2 to 3 times - 4 times or more)' variable?


1 Determining the level of measurement of a variable