SPSS exercise 2.5

The survey, on which the WatchAndListenSurvey.sav database is based, measured how often people talk about politics (dem72). However, the sequence of the answer options is not logical: the greater a person's score, the less that person talks about politics.

a. Recode the variable 'dem72' so that the value 1 means 'never', the value 2 'seldom', value 3 'sometimes', and value 4 'often'. Name this new variable 'dem72re'. Do not forget to attach new value labels. Paste the syntax of the recoding into the answer field.

b. Calculate the relevant measure of central tendency and compare your syntax to the correct answer. How should you report the correct measure of central tendency for the new variable in APA format?

c. What conclusion can you draw? Your answer should include the following: the 'content' of the variable, the units of analysis, the correct number for the measure of central tendency, and the interpretation of the measure of central tendency.


1 How do I recode?
2 Determining the level of measurement of a variable
3 Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion selection chart